I hope that Adobe, will perhaps read this and take some action - to be more civic minded and not allow their customers to waste man hours over their zeal to add money to the bottom line for their investors.

If the change of date does not help, it could be down to your firewall issues internally.

(I must caution that trying the date change may cause issue with the internet, so it is important that you change back the date to the current day and time). The least that Adobe can do, is to show some support for your clients, but instead is more bottom line driven than customer service and support. I am writing this because we as customers of Adobe have paid and bought licences and supported Adobe by doing that. I am sure that many Acrobat 9 users like me, have wasted so many man hours trying to find a fix to what is and should be a simple fix that can be facilitated by Adobe. The issues have been highlighted in so many forums / blogs and it is countless if you care to look. I have spent in terms of man hours over the last few years trying to find a solution to the updates and to no avail. To Adobe, i have bought 5 Acrobat 9 pro and 1 Acrobat 9 pro extended. Shame on Adobe for such shameless and underhanded practices to encourage new sales. I am sure Adobe knows this easy fix for could easily twig their update program so users can update easily. Acrobat will now find updates and it will get you to 9.2.0.ĪFter the 9.2 update, upon reboot, it will download all updates to 9.5.5 and upon the next reboot, you will be at 9.5.5. Try this - change the system date to May 31 2013. If you try to run the update, (before the date change in the next step), adobe will tell you that there are no updates. One of the easy fix, if you want to try (at least for those who have to reinstall acrobat 9 pro. It is an easy fix enough but Adobe is not interested at all because the new model is so sell you the subscription services. I cannot understand within this Adobe Forum, Adobe is not willing to help or to give some proper answers. I reinstalled my acrobat 9.0 today on Windows 10/64bit and by changing the date - it went through with no issue. Try this which i have posted in another thread. I know this has been a serious issue for many frustrated users. Can you imagine how frustrated i have been over the last 3 years - googled everyone and no simple solution. I have 5 desktops with acrobat 9 pro and 1x acrobat 9 pro extended. Whilst doing the fix, you might encounter issues with firewall / but otherwise, it should go through easily. Rayruppert, Why dont you try this and let me know how get along / i did mine yesterday and it worked on a machine windows 10 /64 bit with the Acrobat 9 pro.